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Let’s test your Sex IQ

Let’s test your Sex IQ

Can someone get pregnant the first time they have sex?

Correct! Wrong!

Who daydreams more while having sex?

Correct! Wrong!

Which chemical is known as the hormone of love?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the proper order of the human sexual response cycle?

Correct! Wrong!

Sex reduces pain and boosts immunity from infections and cold.

Correct! Wrong!

Which can cause low libido?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following is NOT a sexually-transmitted disease?

Correct! Wrong!

Can a STI be passed on when someone with a vagina has sex with someone else with a vagina?

Correct! Wrong!

Is it safer to use 2 condoms together?

Correct! Wrong!

Sex burns as many calories as running a mile.

Correct! Wrong!

Let’s test your Sex IQ.

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