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Tips to keep your Relationship Status Awesome!

Tips to keep your Relationship Status Awesome!

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Being intimate with your partner is one of the foremost priorities in every relationship. However, you need to take small things into consideration for your sexual wellness. Here are some tips for you and your significant other. 



Good communication is the key to any relationship. It can be as simple as keeping the mug in the kitchen to talking about your sexual wellness. No matter how hard the conversation is, being honest and open with your partner trumps most if not all aspects of relationships


Prioritise Protection 

Unwanted pregnancies and STIs are never a welcome surprise. In this case, condoms or birth control pills are your best friends. They help you get rid of the aftershocks that come with the surprises.


Alcohol and smoking every day? Not recommended. 

Drinking and smoking may give you the desired kick and better performance in bed, but in the long run, it is not good for your health. It affects your fertility levels and steals that passion between the two. 


Faking it?

If you are sexually intimate with your partner, then why fake an orgasm? It’s totally normal to “not feel it” sometimes and honest communication plays a vital role in normalizing this. 


Stress: a huge bummer?                    

Too much stress at work or health issues? You can always try not to let it be a dampener in your relationship either by the good old method of discussing it with your partner or finding ways to beat your stress. Book yourself a spa appointment. Exercising not for those six packs but prioritizing mental health is most important. Find yourself a stress buster. 


Appreciate each other 

Use words of encouragement, appreciation and affirmation. Sometimes that’s all that matters. A gentle hug or a hand hold, to let your partner know that they are being appreciated. At the end of the day, any relationship is a two way traffic. You always have to give and take to maintain the equilibrium.


Remember, communication is the key to reap the benefits of an everlasting relationship. It helps in building the bond and also normalizing tricky situations that need extra tender loving care.


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