Home » Effects of Using Condoms on Sexual Pleasure
Effects of Using Condoms on Sexual Pleasure

Did you know that condoms came to India back in 1963? Today, almost 98% of men understand its importance. What’s alarming is that more than 94% of men reject it! That’s because they’re afraid of certain effects of using condoms, like health problems and reduced pleasure. But do women like it? Unfortunately, many women believe that condoms feel less intimate and prefer a skin-on-skin experience for more intense sensations. What’s more, many women in India have not even heard of it! But if you have prejudices against condoms, it’s time to address them and female condom’s effect.
Do Effects of Using Condoms Include Reduced Pleasure?
Many people think that condoms can reduce sexual pleasureDuring sexual intercourse, the partners involve experience d... More. Studies suggest that both men and women feel that condoms come in the way of intensity and intimacyIntimacy refers to a close bond between loved ones. It can b... More. After all, it forms a barrier to create a “raincoat phenomenon”. So the thin film may affect the sensation in the genitals.
Most men and women complain that it feels a little artificial, compared to the touch of skin. In addition, condoms sit like a tight sheath to reduce stimulation from friction. This delays orgasmIt is a state of deepest sexual pleasure during which the bo... More in men. But is that really a bad thing?
The reduction in sensation and stimulation means it will take longer to achieve orgasm. Condoms also prevent premature ejaculationThe act of semen shooting out of an aroused, usually erect p... More. But that sounds more like a benefit – because sex will last longer due to condoms! What can be sexier than prolonged sex?
Using condoms also keeps all worries about STIs and unwanted pregnancies out of your head, leaving you to feel relaxed as you enjoy intimacy. It seems that the advantages of using condoms are too good to be ignored!
Granted, both you and your partner may need time to get used to condoms and stop ignoring their presence – much like the camera inside the Big Boss house. Plus, it will also take time to learn how to put on a condom the right way, especially since male condoms need erectionAn erection may happen at random times for no reason when th... More.
Plus, you should pick the right condom to ensure that it fits and feels like a second skin. There are many types of condoms. You can try the ultra-thin condoms, though you have to make sure to pick the right size and use water-based lubeLube is a liquid, oil, or gel form used during sex to make t... More with it to prevent tearing of the condom.
Speaking of lubes – it’s a great tool to make intercourse feel better. It reduces friction and allows the condom-covered penisThe penis is the most common reproductive and excretory orga... More to glide in and out smoothly due to lower drag against the sensitive vaginal skin. That’s why most condoms are pre-lubricated, but you can never use too much lube!
Thus, the right condom and lube combo can make anal sexAnal sex is a kind of sexual intercourse in which the erect ... More and oral sexOral sex is the way of stimulating the genitals using the mo... More fun, too! You will even find dotted male condoms for a woman’s pleasure and flavoured condoms that titillate your senses of smell and taste with aromas that make you yearn for more in the bedroom.
Do Condoms Cause Health Problems?
Many people believe that condoms can cause erectile dysfunction, infection, lower libido, impotence, and more. There’s good news: these are mostly misconceptions, and the others can be prevented if you and your partner know how to choose and use condoms correctly.
There is no proof at all to support the idea that condoms can cause sexual problems, whether temporary or short-term. You can say that these are nothing but myths. Condoms may contain nitrosamines which are considered carcinogenic. But wait! There’s no need to worry!
The amount of nitrosamines transferring from condoms to your vaginaThe vagina is a flexible and muscular reproductive organ in ... More is almost negligible, and your daily exposure to them from food, tobacco products, etc., is way more substantial. Even studies show that the chance of tumour induction from nitrosamines in condoms is extremely low.
You’ll be surprised to learn that condoms can prevent cervical cancer by keeping away HPV infections. But your partner must wear the condom properly and shouldn’t put on two condoms to avoid tearing or slippage. You should also be careful about latex allergy, though it’s quite rare.
Considering Female Condoms
Instead of depending on your male partner, have you considered switching to female condoms that go inside the vagina? Female condom effectiveness is 95%. Both men and women think that it feels better than male condoms!
You can turn the condom insertion process into foreplayIt is also called 'outercourse' and it happens before sexual... More – and then enjoy uninterrupted sex as your partner won’t need to pull out to wear a condom. It protects your entire genital area from STIs. Plus, it gives you sexual agency. So why not feel like a goddess – while staying safe?
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