Home » Why wasn’t sex education as important as Geometry or the (godforsaken) Home Science?
Why wasn’t sex education as important as Geometry or the (godforsaken) Home Science?

Sex Education is Imperative!
As a parent, I wonder how different would it be if I were ‘sex educated.’Coming from the times where sex ed for girls was just about periods and erections, anything beyond this was scandalous! It was highly general, non-inclusive, uninformative, and poorly structured. I question, why? Why wasn’t sex education as important as Geometry or the (godforsaken) Home Science? If you are taught about sex, gender, loveLove is a feeling of closeness, intimacy, affection, or gene... More, equality, your safety,
relationships and contraceptives at adolescence, imagine how beautifully you evolve as an individual. You are a lot more mature and empathetic to handle a whirlwind of emotions. It does not just end here. The life comes full circle as they say, and once you step into parenthood, handling the adolescent years of your kids is like a
cake walk. You become their anchor, a hand they can hold and a shoulder they can lean on.
Sex education is important. For every generation, to respect the next and to bridge the communication gap and exist cohesively in this eco system. So, if your child’s school is introducing sex ed in the curriculum, encourage them.
If your child’s school isn’t, question them. Be a responsible parent, open the channel and let the new generation be the flag bearers of good quality sex ed. Needless to say, it is their fundamental duty to be (sexually) well educated.