Intimate Wellness

Health always matter. Learn more about Intimate wellness.

Keep UTI At Bay!

Are you depending on antibiotics to cure your UTI? Here are some simple measures you…

Sweet Nothings and New Spots

There’s something so beautiful about lovemaking, but it might get redundant if you do not…

3 Ways to Restore Vaginal pH Naturally Keep Your Vagina Healthy & Safe From Infections!

Keep Your VaginaThe vagina is a flexible and muscular reproductive organ in … More Healthy…

3 Products You Need In Your Bedroom!

When we talk about sexy times, the first thought that comes to our mind is…

Decoding Pleasure Gap

You’ve probably heard of the gender pay gap, but have you heard about the pleasure…

Painful Sex
Less Pain, More Pleasure: The Journey from Ouch to Oh Yeah!
Erotic books and intricate BDSM contents have altered ideas of sexual pleasure forever. Sex is…
What you want in bed
Learn to communicate what you want in bed`
Do you feel intimidated talking about pleasure and sex with your partner? You are not…
Menstrual Cycle
How Can the Phases of the Menstrual Cycle Mess with Your Sleep?
Have you realized that con artist Frank Abagnale and your sleep are pretty similar? They…
HIV Epidemic
HIV Epidemic: The Disease Nobody Talks About
HIV - the very name of the disease alarms people! No, it does not spread…
Male Condoms Vs. Female Condoms
Male Condoms Vs. Female Condoms – Advantages & Disadvantages
Barrier methods of birth control, especially condoms, have numerous advantages. Firstly, condoms help avoid unwanted…