Intimate Wellness

Health always matter. Learn more about Intimate wellness.

self care
Making the best decisions for your body: The Journey to Self Care
Regular lifestyle choices define our health and overall wellbeing. Our conscious decisions often concern important…
Pelvic Health
Pelvic Health is more important than you think
Pelvic health problems are more common than we know. Millions of women around the world…
Urinary Tract Infection
How to Detect and Deal with a Urinary Tract Infection
Nobody wants to talk about urinary tract infections. Vagina owners are too embarrassed to it…
sex affects
Sex for women: How it affects your Behavior, Stress and Everyday life
Sex is more than just about procreation. Talk of a sex therapist, and they will…
Gender Labels
Gender Labels – More than just a label
Sex, gender, gender identity – These may sound synonymous but are vastly different in many…
First Time Intimacy
Feelings and Emotions During Your First Time Intimacy
The first time you have sex is going to be an essential milestone in your…
Sex and Gender Identity
Sex and Gender Identity: Differences To Know About As An Ally
You may have gender study experts and academics talk about sex and gender identity. Do…
Interesting Condom Facts
Ten Interesting Condom Facts
Condoms are safe, and near-perfect for preventing unwanted pregnancies, HIV, and STDs – You know…
female condom's effect
Effects of Using Condoms on Sexual Pleasure
Did you know that condoms came to India back in 1963? Today, almost 98% of…
sex related myths
Weird Sex-Related Myths Busted!
Have your reservations been talking about “the birds and the bees”? You are not alone!…